Trading training. Practical Information.

He has been in trading since 2007. When choosing from numerous trading schools and teachers, don't believe the ads. Demand to show the results of trading for the year, and not a screenshot from the phone, but a full account history from the PC. It is important to see what amount the trader has in his account, how much of the total amount orders were opened and how many profit points the trader took. Screenshots from the phone where you are shown a couple of deals with a profit of several thousand, this is a fake for beginners. In personal correspondence, I will provide trading histories with a yield from 10% per month to 70%. Phased payment. The price of a standard course of study with a yield of up to 30% per month is 600 euros. The price of an advanced course with a yield of up to 70% per month is 800 euros. The first part of the training, which gives an understanding of how to make real money trading on the currency exchange, is 200 euros. ( ( The price is reduced by 200 euros until the end of January )The training is individual. More detailed information in personal correspondence.
Whatsapp : +37376028847
Telegram: @Invest_group_369

800 €
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