Vietnamese seafood | Where to buy Vietnamese seafood?

Our services
Ai hy Seafood ( has become one of the leading seafood sourcing & quality inspection organizations in Vietnam. Our company is best known as a reputable company for sourcing and supplying a wide range of quality value-added frozen, frozen seafood products at competitive prices. And with our relationship with many packers across Vietnam that meet international standards, including HACCP, BRC, ISO, IFS, etc., as well as achieve BAP, ASC certificates. Our experienced team is committed to providing reliable supervision and pre-shipment quality checks along with tailored, thorough factory inspections.

* We have been providing QC & Seafood Sourcing service to many customers worldwide.

* Our service includes 03 main options as follows:

- Supervision of production in the factory.
- Quality check before delivery.
- Closed supervision.


1 €
The region from which the product or service is offered: 
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Company name: 
Ai Hy Food co., ltd
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