Jugni | Solo woman travel group | Women only trips

Jugni is a travel company for solo women wanderers. We have been curating offbeat domestic and international trips for women since Feb 2015. We strongly endorse the theory of personal growth and enrichment through exploring diverse places and cultures.

Solo women travellers' safety being our prime importance, we take care of minute details while choosing the destinations and time to visit it.

Jugni's testimonials speak in abundance about the credibility and mark we leave on our clients. Our philosophy behind women travel groups has been covered by several leading publications like Hindustan Times, ScoopWhoop, ET, LBB, Amar Ujala, and many more.

Address - S-623, Nehru Enclave, School Block Shakarpur, Baramad
Contact Mail - info@jugni.co.in

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Jugni | Solo woman travel group | Women only trips
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