Immigration & Criminal Defense Attorney Miami, FL | Arias & Pereira, PLLC

At Arias and Pereira, We handle all types of State and Federal Criminal charges, all types of Immigration-related matters, as well as Federal Litigation and Civil Denaturalization.

Arias and Pereira, PLLC is a law firm representing clients in the areas of criminal defense, immigration law and naturalization. Maggie Arias and Eduardo X. Pereira are experienced attorneys passionate about pursuing the best possible result for every client.

The Law Firm of Arias and Pereira, PLLC is based in Miami, Florida and has other affiliates in New York, Boston, Tampa and St. Petersburg. Whether you have the need for a criminal defense attorney or whether you require representation in the area of immigration law, visas, or consular processing, Maggie Arias and Eduardo X. Pereira and the team at Arias and Pereira can assist you! Call today for a confidential consultation: 786.360.1341

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Immigration & Criminal Defense Attorney Miami, FL | Arias & Pereira, PLLC
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