Production and packaging lines

Our company is specialized in the production of packaging and production lines for the food industry such as:
-Machines for the production of sugar cubes (Automatic and semi-automatic models);
-Line for packing one cube of sugar (pillow);
-Lines for packing two cubes of sugar;
-Equipment for filling and packing granular products into sticks (sugar, salt, cinnamon, etc.);
-Equipment for the production of food powder (sugar, salt, cinnamon, etc.)
-Equipment for filling and packing granular products into bags (ketchup, mayonnaise, etc.);
-Vacuum shrink-wrapping machine;
-Lines for automatic gluing of boxes;
-Lines for the production of medical/surgical masks;
-Lines for the production of hookah coals;
-Lines for the production of toilet paper and napkins;
Our sales team are aready to assist you and help to make right decisions regarding to your orders.
Contact us:
WhatsApp +90 539 409 24 26

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