Evaluator/Mystery Shopper

You enjoy shopping, have a critical and objective eye and would like to participate in evaluating the Customer Service in your area during your free time. Find your Mystery Shopping assignments with ISC-CX.

- To be over 18 years old.
- Be equipped with a Smartphone with camera.
Occasional freelance missions.

You will be able to book assignments with well-known and varied brands: fashion, sports, supermarket, watchmaking, automotive and more. You will take on the role of a customer seeking advice and will evaluate the service received.
For more information, visit www.isc-cx.com.

Interested? You're just a few clicks away. Direct link to the registration form: https://myaccount.internationalservicecheck.com/registration/Default.aspx
After creating your profile, we will regularly inform you of all available assignments.

See you soon!

The region from which the product or service is offered: 
Estonian county: 
Company name: 
Dear Info Express visitor!
Please note that we are not able to verify the accuracy of the information contained in each ad. If you are interested in an ad, please treat it carefully and, if necessary, try other sources to determine if the author is credible. For example, check the contact information on Google or social media.
We discourage you from transferring large amounts of money if you deal with a seller for the first time or not have checked a seller by other source channels.

In no case should you pay an advance payment (or any commission in the form of an advance payment) for employment or obtaining a loan.

If any issues arise between you and the seller, please email us at info[at]revelan.eu.
Total trust rating: 4 of 4
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