Investment partnership / financing of profitable projects

We invest and finance in all profitable projects, from USD 10,000,000 to over USD 485,000,000 in the short, medium or long term in various fields of activity, such as
Agri-food, real estate (industrial, commercial, residential), tourism and hotels, mining and oil industry, small and medium-sized industry, transport (automobile, sea and air), renewable energy sources, import and export, new technologies, agriculture, culture, religion, etc. ... ..
In this regard, we ask you to send us your projects with detailed information, as well as indicating costs, operations and indicators, so that the investor can conduct research with his notary.
You also want to leave us your direct phone contacts and your availability so I can call and chat out loud.
If you have interesting projects (in the above business areas or in other business areas), please contact us.
Thanks for reading soon!

Investment and finance advisor, consultant
Address: 45 rue Yakali, 80447 Lome, Togo.
Phone / WhatsApp: 00228 79780593

10000000 €
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