We offer ready-made modular structures for outdoor recreation - Camping house and Camping bath

The unique design of the bent frame ensures a long service life and practicality of use.
It is made of high-quality materials (dry coniferous wood, tiles, insulation, hydro-wind protection and vapor barrier, windows and doors are made of pvc profile with double glazing, the outside and inside the campsite is treated with eco-friendly protective materials).
Any camping can be supplemented with options for any needs and wishes.
If necessary, we will obtain permission for installation for you. We will coordinate the legal formalities in your country - quickly and on time. We agree on the project for the installation of Camping Baths, Camping Chan, Camping House, Tourist base.
Preparation of a land plot of any complexity for the installation of our modular buildings.
There is the possibility of combining (docking) several campsites in a single complex.

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