Institute for Maritime Operational Training

As a civil service provider, we are able to provide complex exercise environments in the military and there especially in the maritime environment, including the necessary means of presentation, flexibly, as required and in a timely manner.

Our range of services ranges from the provision of professionally experienced support personnel, to scheduling and services from special platforms for individual or permanent arrangements, to the provision of complex material and personnel solutions as part of national exercises or international maneuvers with, for example, amphibious components.

This includes in particular

support for exercise projects in coastal and port areas by authentic management and presentation staff
the provision of platforms for the realization of sea shooting exercises or for target or tow target presentation
the provision of platforms for the implementation of boarding exercises (co-operative boarding, opposed boarding)
Representations of opponents for exercise projects below the conventional conflict threshold in the maritime, urban environment
support in the review of organizational or infrastructural security vulnerabilities
the provision of near-to-life, floating special platforms as part of individual or flat-rate arrangements as individual rentals without IMAF personnel up to a complete solution including all technical and human resources
Personal and, above all, material support for realistic procedural training for maritime interception operations
the material, personnel and technical support for system training on high-speed platforms (RHIB's, Alu-Hull, CB 90 and similar)
to name just a few examples.

Our services are always based on the current, security policy framework and are tailored to the individual needs of the respective training units.

You've got questions concerning our services? Then feel free to contact us ..

100 €
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