Trailer Mechanic, Finland

We are Profil Match Projects, which is a part of Profil Match company, with its headquarters in Denmark. We specialize in providing the highest quality of workers to the countries of northern and western Europe.

We cooperate with the biggest workshops in Europe and have a unique offer for you!

Work as a Trailer Mechanic in Lieto, Finland

To be in consideration for our offer, it is important that you:
• have experience as a vehicle mechanic (trailers, trucks, cars, vans, agricultural machines etc.)
• speak communicative English
• have driving license category B (CE would be an advantage)
• are ready to live and work abroad

If you can see yourself within the requirements mentioned above and you are ready for the fast-changing, interesting profession that would bring some challenges and development to your life – we are waiting for you!

We can offer you:
• long-term cooperation with recognizable workshops in Scandinavia
• full-time job with possibility of overtime
• employment based on a contract or self-employment (depending on the country)
• attractive salary depending on experience
• possibility to work in rotations
• health insurance
• accommodation
• our consultants’ help with formalities related to start of the cooperation

We would like to offer you a job as a trailer mechanic in one of the cooperating workshops in Finland.

Your responsibilities will cover, i.e.:
• chassis/suspension repairs
• fixing superstructure
• sides and curtains repairs
• post-accidental reconstructions
• preparation for B-check and MOT

If you feel that the offer is for you, do not hesitate and apply for the job!

The region from which the product or service is offered: 
Company name: 
Profil Match
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