For Work in Estonia, the city of Pärnu, a CNC Bending Machine Operator is required.

For Work in Estonia, the city of Pärnu, a CNC Bending Machine Operator is required.
Work in the city of Pärnu.
CNC bending machine operators: Pay 6 euros per hour clean.
* previous work experience at least 2 years
* speed / accuracy / hard work
* A responsibility:
* no bad habits (alcohol)
* Responsibilities:
* Know Your Job
* Keeping the workplace clean and tidy
* Working conditions:
* You can work 10.12 hours
* Work clothes for the first time have their own, then we give out.
* Call only those who are in Estonia or the European Union.
* Salary every 2 weeks.
* You can come to work with any visa or biometrics.
* Additional Information
* Viber: +37259431421
* WhatsApp +37257600278
* Telegramm: 37254694537

2000 €
The region from which the product or service is offered: 
Estonian county: 
Company name: 
Eliteauto OÜ
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