For sale Hill Rom CareAssist Hospital Beds

For sale Hill Rom CareAssist Hospital Beds

Hill-Rom "Care-Assist" hospital beds for sale refurbished - full electric beds with scales perfect for hospitals, medical centers, home use, nursing homes and nursing schools.

This bed is full electric, adjustable and has a remote control / pendant for the patient and easy access controls for care giver - nurse on the outside of each rail.

purchase this adjustable hospital bed with chair position

Contact on WhatsApp: +77763556690
Contact Person : Anika D. Duryea
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Beds are full electric with a "chair position" - all in good working condition. As many as 250
CareAssist beds available at this price.

Beds will perform
(1) Head up and down
(2) Bed up and down
(3) Foot up and down
(4) Trendelenburg
(5) Reverse Trendelenburg
(6) Chair position


Contact on WhatsApp: +77763556690
Contact Person : Anika D. Duryea
Write to Email:

Note: Serious And Interested Buyers Only

4000 €
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Other contact info: 
Anika Duryea

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