Magrock Silver, moisture and fire resistant construction board

Magrock Silver, moisture and fire resistant construction board
A1 fireproof material - SGS CERTIFIED

Magrock Silver is suitable for use both indoors and outdoors.
Magrock Silver belongs to fire class A1 - Silver Magrock not lit.
Magrock Silver is a light - lighter than water, the density of 950 kg / m³
Magrock Silver is water and moisture resistant - not let the water out or change their properties and shape due to moisture
Silver is soundproofed Magrock good - very well absorbs the sound
Magrock Silveria is easy to install - cut, sawed, nailed, glued, painted,
Silver does not cause mold Magrock

For use indoors:
Floors, partitions and ceilings Construction
Fire resistant doors, walls, and others. systems
Other fire
Window and finishing uksepalede
Window and door arches and cornices
Heat and moisture resistant surfaces

For use in the field:
Facade Solutions
Plinth base plates
Flat roof baseplates
Soffits, niches, boxes, arc elements
Balcony barriers, elevators

Size mm 12x1200x2400

Contact Information: .Phone: +372 53090029, e-mail: office@buildingmaterial.ее

17 €
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TASOSTAR-Kaubandus, Rävala pst. 8. Tallinn. tel: 53090029,